Friends & Team

Maria Lamas

Paris, France



Uta Becks
Project Partner

Düsseldorf, Germany

Swen Heidenreich
Project Partner

Frankfurt am Main, Germany



Lise Uduak
Project Partner

Berlin, Germany

Rick Swegan
Senior Partner

Pittsburgh, USA



Reinhold Poensgen
Senior Project Partner

Ingolstadt, Germany

Xiao-Yu Cheng
Project Partner

Barcelona, Spain



Zuzana Wistuba
Project Partner

Hannover, Germany

Our creed:

Prepare to delve deep into who you are or may want to become.
You may be astounded at times – the result and insights, however, will be more sustainable, truly personal and meaningful than you have experienced so far.

Rest assured, we will have tons of good laughs and have a good time.
One of our premises is to develop people and organizations in the most fun way possible.

The idea of frontier is to explore, go further and establish a place called home.
This is exactly what we promise: pushing the envelope, discovering nuances you haven’t been aware of before and thereby establishing a new sense of ease and clarity.

Binding commitments and practicability of diagnoses are amongst our core principals.
It is key to us that feedback can and will be put into action and all parties involved in the process are committed to ensure progress.